You’ve heard the phrase “wolf in sheep’s clothing”? well that can be applied in so many ways. Have you ever seen someone and you thought “Wow! they are so handsome, or so beautiful?” You are determined to get to know them, but when you do they are not so handsome or beautiful anymore. It goes the same with someone who you may not find attractive, but then once you get to know them, their heart and soul is more beautiful than what is on the outside.
It’s really easy to judge people by how they look. Sometimes a person is chosen by someone because they want to impress their buddies or friends. But in the end, they are not with that person. It doesn’t matter what someone else thinks. It’s only what the person doing the choosing thinks. Why is society so caught up on looks? clothes? makeup? Why does that matter? Does God look at that for us? No. He looks at out heart and soul. He doesn’t care what we wear. He wants to see the good in us no matter what.
Next time you see someone who doesn’t dress like you, or wears “too much makeup”, or who you think you wouldn’t want to be seen with, STOP! ask yourself this question. Am I looking at them like Jesus would? Am I judging them, cause Jesus isn’t?
Be kind this holiday season. People are struggling mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. It costs nothing to be kind and considerate every day. Love to you all.