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Verse of the Day

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Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, of God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

I think what this verse is asking us do we try to win the approval of human beings or are we trying to win God’s approval. I think society has put too much thought into what people should think, say, do, look like, be like, act like, etc. that we’ve forgotten who we truly are, children of God. If we try to please human beings, we lose ourselves in “the world” and we lose God. If we try to live our lives for God and not trying to please everyone around us then our lives can be easier. Does anybody’s opinion really matter? Does it matter what hair color you have? What shirt you are wearing? How you dress? It shouldn’t, because in God’s eyes we were made in his image. Doesn’t matter how people view us, it’s how God sees us.

Take time to pray today and ask God to help you seek his approval in all you do.

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